On Monday, November 4, 2013, new Mount Rushmore quarters begin their journey into circulation and the U.S. Mint will start selling six products containing them.

These coins, of course, commemorate Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota with a reverse design emblematic of the site. The quarter is the fifth and final for this year, the twentieth overall in the series of fifty-six America the Beautiful Quarters® scheduled for release through 2021.
Products by the Mint are offered as numismatic options for collectors with each having circulating-quality versions of coins. Choices include quarters struck and bearing the mint marks from United States Mint facilities found in Denver, Philadelphia and San Francisco. The six new products and their prices are:
- Mount Rushmore Three-Roll Sets, (40 P, 40 D, & 40 S), for $46.95
- Mount Rushmore Two-Roll Sets, (40 P & 40 D), for $32.95
- Mount Rushmore Quarters in 40-Coin Rolls, San Francisco, for $18.95
- Mount Rushmore Quarters in 100-Coin Bag, San Francisco, for $34.95
- Mount Rushmore Quarters in 100-Coin Bag, Philadelphia, for $34.95
- Mount Rushmore Quarters in 100-Coin Bag, Denver, for $34.95
If you are looking to catch up, Mount Rushmore quarters were proceeded this year by America the Beautiful Quarters commemorating White Mountain National Forest (NH), Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial (OH), Great Basin National Park (NV) and Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine (MD). The U.S. Mint is still selling rolls and bags of the prior 2013 quarters.
All these coins share a common obverse (heads side) design of George Washington along with the familiar inscriptions of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST and QUARTER DOLLAR.
Each has a different reverse (tails side) emblematic of the site. In the case of this latest release, both designed and sculpted by Joseph Menna, shown is a scene of the Mount Rushmore at it would have appeared in the middle of its sculpting. Inspired by historic photos, a man is shown hanging and working on Thomas Jefferson’s face with another man on a working platform ahead of George Washington’s face. Inscriptions are MOUNT RUSHMORE, SOUTH DAKOTA, 2013 and E PLURIBUS UNUM.
Ordering Rolls and Bags
Quarters from the San Francisco Mint and bearing the "S" mint mark will not be found in circulation since they are produced only for collectors and available only from the United States Mint. Actually, it was just last year when the U.S. Mint first starting offering San Francisco struck quarters in circulating quality.
Eventually, Mount Rushmore quarters from the Denver Mint and Philadelphia Mint will get discovered in circulation. It can take a very long time, however, and they may not always be in great quality by the time they reach one’s pocket or purse. Financial institutions cannot order new quarters by a specific design like they could with the 50 States Quarters® series, which is why it is hit and miss in finding new quarters. Also, because a distribution process where coins ship by region, it is always difficult in the early going to get new quarters from both the Philadelphia and Denver plants.
These are some of the reasons why the United States Mint offers new quarters in rolls and bags directly from its website at http://www.usmint.gov/, or by phone, at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). The new Mount Rushmore quarters will be available for order at 12 noon ET on the 4th.
Use this US Mint link for its quarter products, to include rolls and bags.
Additional Products with Mount Rushmore Quarters
There are more products for collectors that include Mount Rushmore National Memorial Quarters. These are in different finishes than circulating-quality. Some of these products include:
- 2013 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set for $27.95
- 2013 United States Mint Proof Set for $31.95
- 2013 United States Mint Silver Proof Set for $53.95
- 2013 America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set for $14.95
- 2013 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set for $31.95
In addition, the United States Mint also strikes 2013 Mount Rushmore Five Ounce Silver Bullion Coins and 2013 Mount Rushmore Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coins from five ounces of 99.9% pure silver and to a diameter of three inches. These silver coins feature the same basic imagery as found on the smaller circulating quarter dollars.
The 2013 Mount Rushmore Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coins is scheduled for release on November 7, 2013. If current pricing holds, the U.S. Mint will sell it for $154.95. The bullion five-ounce version is sold through the Mint’s network of distributors, meaning consumers will have to buy them from precious metals or coin dealers. These sell for a few percentage points above the current price of five ounces of silver.
Official Public Release Event for Mount Rushmore Quarter
South Dakotans may be interested in attending the ceremonial release of the Mount Rushmore quarter. The event is hosted by the United States Mint and National Park Service. It is scheduled to happen on November 6, 2013 at 10 a.m. MT. It will take place at:
National Guard Armory
527 Montgomery Street
Custer, SD 57730
Children attending will receive one free Mount Rushmore quarter. Everyone can exchange cash for $10 rolls of the coins.
Those really interested in coinage will want to attend the coin forum held on the evening before the ceremony, November 5, at 5:30 p.m. It will take place at:
Mount Rushmore National Memorial Carver’s Cafe
13000 Highway 244
Keystone, SD 57751
Attendees can talk directly to Mint officials, expressing their views and asking questions about coins and upcoming products.